Batman Eternal #3
Batman/Superman #9
The Flash #30
Secret Origins #1
The Walking Dead #126
Daredevil #2
Fantastic Four #3
George Romero's Empire of the Dead: Act One #4 (5)
Guardians of the Galaxy #14
Iron Patriot #2
Original Sin #0
Savage Wolverine #17
Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #12
What If? Age of Ultron #4 (of 5)

Be sure to pick up...
The Walking Dead #126
This is the conclusion of "All Out War!" What a great storyline this has been, and if you read the last issue, it probably blew your mind. This event has been crazy, and I've absolutely loved it. Be sure to pick up the finale to this amazing story, as The Walking Dead will never be the same!
Original Sin #0
This is the prelude to Marve's big summer event. Who is The Watcher? Well, you should get to know him fast, because someone's going to kill him. We won't know who until Original Sin begins this summer, but I'm pretty excited. I'm usually a big fan of Marvel's big events. And yes, that includes Age of Ultron.
That's all for this week! Leave a comment and let us know what books you're picking up this week!
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