Batman and Robin #33
Batman Eternal #16
The Flash #33
Secret Origins #4
Saga #21
100th Anniversary Special - Avengers
All-New Doop #4
All-New Ultimates #5
Amazing Spider-Man #4
Daredevil #6
Deadpool #32
Deadpool vs. X-Force #2
Mighty Avengers #12
Original Sin #5.2
Original Sins #4
Storm #1
Wolverine and the X-Men #6

Be sure to pick up...
Batman #33
This is the big finale to Zero Year, which will go down as one of the best Batman stories ever, in my opinion. Be sure to pick this up if you've been following along. If you haven't been following along, try to pick up some of the back issues so you can read the conclusion of this story.
Deadpool vs. X-Force #2
I wasn't sure about this series because I don't know much about X-Force. That's okay, because this story takes place before Deadpool and Cable's debut in the X-Men comics. It's pretty funny to think of these two guys as "friends" when you see how Deadpool treats Cable in this series.
Thanks for reading! What books are you picking up this week?
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